Wednesday, November 15, 2006

when they tell you love fades with time, tell them there's no such thing as time

there are certain instances when you always know what time it is. when you're working, when you're taking a test, and when you or someone you know is having a baby. during these events, you never need to ask anyone,"do you know what time it is?". you know.

another is when you're thinking about someone you deeply care about but who isn't with you.

these are the times when you think if meaningful things to say to them. you have to stop yourself from calling them, from quickly typing a message into your cell phone and hitting send- with no intention other than to just let them know you remembered that they exist. you wonder if they know that you exist, if they ever think about you. because you can't get them out of your head.

you look at that clock. that torturous, number-faced creature. it taunts you. ever minute that ticks by is another where you're the place you don't want to be- without them. you go over work in your head, scrawl to-do lists and make phone calls to people you've needed to call. you wish they would call. you want to call, but all too often you feel as if you care too much, as if that one call could drive them away. you smoke 3 cigarettes. a man walks in with a shirt reading "CARPE DIEM". you light a 4th. it's been less than a minute since you last looked at the clock.

there are certain instances when you never need to know what time it is.

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